Joy of driving : Alpenrallye 2019 in Kitzbühel/Austria
A wonderful team, a very talented driver Liuba Tsepelva from London and a, well, sometimes confused co-driver Dr. King - all in all a great weekend.
As always perfectly organised by the team of Alpenrally and supported by hundreds of the super friendly people from Kitzbühel - it was a true gem with perfect driving conditions and only one small amount of rain, more a drizzle than drops.
There are 3 things I look for in a race: Great scenery, wonderful people and good food. So this was a 100% success and I look forward to Alpenrally 2020.

Kitzbühler Alpenrally 2019 Sunbeam Alpine Mark I of Dr Rudolf King

Kitzbühler Alpenrally 2019 Sunbeam Alpine Mark I Dr Rudolf King and Liuba Tsepeleva

Kitzbühler Alpenrally 2019

Kitzbühler Alpenrally 2019 Sunbeam Alpine Mark I of Dr Rudolf King and driver Liuba Tsepeleva

Kitzbühler Alpenrally 2019 Sunbeam Alpine Mark I Dr Rudolf King and Liuba Tsepeleva

two beautiful Bentleys at Kitzbühler Alpenrally 2019
